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Amazon Kids su Alexa arriva in Italia

Amazon Kids comes up Alexa also in Italiaallowing you to create a profile for children. All for free, on every compatible Echo device. To ensure that they can learn and have fun without any risk.

Amazon Kids arrives on Alexa also in Italy

If you have a boy or girl between 3 and 12 years old, you can create a child profile so that they can use Amazon’s voice assistant with confidence. Just go to the Alexa app on your smartphone and there:

  • Click on ‘Settings’,
  • To select ‘Your profile and your family ‘
  • Choose ‘Add another person ‘
  • Enter the name of the boy or girl, then press enter
  • To select ‘Bambino‘and enter their date of birth
  • To select ‘add

Once you have created the profile you need to give permission. Just go to the ‘Your profile and your family ‘ and there select the name of the newly created profile. In the screen that appears, click on Avanti. From the screen ‘Parent authorization ” click Ok and give your consent.

In addition to creating a profile, you can also select a your child’s voice profile and Visual ID on the Echo device with a screen. You can activate it on multiple devices, activate Amazon Kids by selecting the ‘gear’ for each device in the house from the Alexa app.

Now it will suffice to say “Alexa, apri Amazon Kids” to see several useful tools for parents, such as the Parent Dashboard to monitor children’s activities. And then limit content (for example by filtering songs with explicit content), limit usage time or block purchases.

Children can find so many skills for them, like Clem Quiz by Clementoni, 44 Cats e The Winx game of Rainbow, as well as Browsing with the Zecchino d’oro e Learning to dance with Carolina, by Sony Music. There are also dedicated playlists on Amazon Music.

Amazon also ensures that it has designed this feature with great attention to privacy and security.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.