Encased ha una data d'uscita ufficiale: appuntamento a settembre thumbnail

Encased has an official release date: appointment in September

Prime Matter and Dark Crystal Games have announced that the official release date of Encased, the isometric dystopian sci-fi RPG, will be September 7, 2021. Set in an alternate 1976, a large and mysterious structure, Dome (the dome), is discovered in a remote part of the desert and contains extraordinary technology that could advance humanity hundreds of years. You are one of the individuals selected to venture inside.

Encased: revealed at release date

The player must start from one of the five disciplines available, science, engineering, security, management or detention, which will affect both his starting stats and his specialization and open (or prevent) a unique dialogue within the game. After entering the dome and completing the initial level, a cataclysm will strike that will change everything inside it.

The player will fight in turn-based tactical battles, explore the vast wastelands, bunkers and settlements beneath the Dome. In this title, the developers let us know, it will be necessary to take decisions with long-term consequences, avoid anomalies and find mysterious artifacts. It will also be possible to stealth, improve your skills and upgrade weapons to increase our effectiveness in combat.

Encased data d'uscita

It therefore seems evident that one of Encased’s watchwords is customization, a mechanic that goes well with the RPG identity of the title and that promises to guarantee players a certain variety of approach.

During the journey inside the Dome, the protagonist will encounter different factions competing for power. Each of them sees the future of humanity differently and this will affect the ending. Encased, which will be available digitally for PC on Steam, Epic and GOG, is currently in early access, it is already possible to experience the whole of the first act and part of the second.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.