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Custom gifts? Cricut thinks so

A gift, whether it’s for Christmas, birthday or any occasion is always more beautiful if it is personalized. Offering a friend a dedicated gift, with a unique writing or decoration is a way to make it special. And now, with the arrival in Italy of Cricut, create personalized gifts (but also projects for your own home or, who knows, a new business) is even easier and more fun!

Personalized gifts? It’s now easier with Cricut

We have been to the Cricut XMas Lab, open for the holidays in the city of Milan. An opportunity to discover all the possibilities offered by this company and their products, which open up a world of creativity to everyone. What struck us in particular is the extreme accessibility of these tools, easy to use even for those with relatively little experience with the DIY world.

Much of the work is done through one of several cutting machines proposed by Cricut. We find mainly three different versions. The first, simpler, is Cricut Joy suitable for simpler projects, smaller in size and with the ability to easily create personalized greeting cards to match our gifts. Going up a level then you can bet on one Explore Air 2 or its one Maker, with which even commercial quality decorations can be created. In short, an interesting choice also to be able to launch a small business of decorated objects, taking advantage of the possibilities of the web.

custom cricut xmas lab gifts

Once we have made the cut on the material we prefer, with the colors we want (including some splendid original patterns), we will only have to move on to imprint our drawing or writing on the object we want to decorate. Also in this case the tools offered by Cricut can give us a not indifferent hand. By choosing the right material, we will be able to decorate a pillow, a t-shirt, a notebook and even a cup!

All in a very simple way. Part of the experience at the Cricut XMas Lab included workshops where to test with the creation of these custom objects. In this way we were able to witness how easy it is make one.

The limit is only the imagination!

To simplify the process is undoubtedly theapplication made available by Cricut. Thanks to this we can have access to a series of ready-made resources, to be able to easily combine them and give life to our creations. Then slowly we will learn to develop projects in complete autonomy, in order to create completely personalized objects and gifts, suitable for any occasion.

Beyond the accessibility of the process, what struck us is theextreme variety of prosducts that can be created with Cricut tools. You can see some examples in the photos in this article, but as the subtitle above suggests, the limit is really only our imagination. By combining the different materials proposed with the various machines, an incredible amount of products can be decorated.

custom cricut xmas lab giftsYes, the placemat is made with Cricut tools too!

If you are looking for inspiration, advice or just want to discover some more examples you can visit the Facebook group Cricut and Silhouette Italia, edited by Stefania Del Principe. She was our ‘guide’ in our experience at Cricut XMas Lab, showing us how cutting machines work. Not only that, but all the works you see in this article are his, testifying to how much can be done with these tools.

In short, what Cricut offers is truly exceptional and won us over. Whether it is personalized gifts or some personal project to develop for yourself, the possibilities are endless, without the need for exaggerated investments or specific skills. A very good way to get close more and more people to the world of creativity and do-it-yourself.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.