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Facebook: copyright news for online newspapers

Facebook has just changed its rules relating to copyright, with regard to third-party links in particular in relation to articles newspaper. If you have shared an article during these hours, you will surely have noticed that a preview will be generated without either a photo or a summary, but bearing only the title and name of the newspaper. This happens because Facebook has decided to comply with the European directive regarding copyright.

Facebook changes its copyright policy

Entering into the merits of the issue, Facebook has decided to update its guidelines on copyright because today the decree implementing the European directive on the issue comes into force, which updates copyright rules across Europe in relation to the development of the use of web content.

In particular, the decision of the Communications Guarantor with regard to the fair remuneration of the newspapers on social media, or more simply what the cover images and summary are worth in practical terms. Reason for which in the last few they have completely disappeared from the pages of the social network, if not in the accounts of the newspapers themselves.

According to Meta, the newspapers have the right to decide whether or not to grant the social media the authorization for the publication of full previews, which in all likelihood will lead to different imbalances between one newspaper and another.

As for the final decision, it should come later 60 days, time limit in which the individual publications must reach an agreement regarding the payment of the publication rights. Should it prove impossible to find a meeting point, Agcom will be able to establish the value of the fair compensation in person.

In short, it is a friable ground, and at the moment it is difficult to understand in which direction the whole issue will develop.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.