TikTok testa le Stories thumbnail

TikTok tests the “Repost” function

TikTok tests the "Repost" thumbnail function

The TikTok App is best known for its ability to share viral videos, but it doesn’t have a feature that allows users to re-share content. At least until now. Apparently, in fact, the platform is testing the “Repost” function to allow users to repost videos on their profiles. The option was anticipated by consultant Matt Navarra, who discovered that many social media accounts have (finally) available an option for re-sharing content. But let’s find out something more.

TikTok: App tests the video re-sharing function

These days Matt Navarra has noticed that some users are seeing a new option to re-share viral videos on the TikTok App. At the moment, however, the function is still under development. Despite this, it is possible to guess that the “Repost” button will allow users to re-share content with their followers, and not directly on your profile. Information on which to rely only in part, because the platform could modify it further before releasing it in an official way.

What is interesting, undoubtedly, is the fact that the social network has finally realized the need for users to republish the most successful content. To meet this need, the TiktTok App has chosen to test the “Repost” option on a small number of users, probably chosen in a completely random manner. After all, we’re pretty sure the option will be successful. On the other hand, until now, users were forced to download a video and then reload it in case they wanted to share it with their followers. Risking many problems with the copyright. Now, however, the feature may be made available. And finally, users could avoid violations of any kind.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.