Apple rilascerà più iPhone del previsto thumbnail

Apple will release more iPhones than expected

Apple will release more iPhones than expected thumbnail

Until recently, there was concern on the Net about the reduction of iPhone production for the current quarter from 90 to 80 million units. News that does not seem to be confirmed at all by Morgan Stanley analysts, convinced that Apple will release at least 82 million smartphones within this period. On the other hand, the waiting periods have already been reduced from weeks to a few days. This means that the company has almost completely put the issues related to the supply of chips and the production of smartphones in place. It would therefore be expected good numbers for Apple iPhone production in December, just like it happened in November.

iPhone: Apple ready not to stop the production of smartphones

Demand for Apple iPhones is strong all over the world. Only in China, for example, quarterly smartphone shipments are increased by 46% compared to the same period last year. Now, this does not mean that there is a perfect balance between supply and demand, but it certainly shows that the company is moving to recover the stop at the beginning of the quarter. Indeed, according to representatives of Morgan Stanley, Apple should earn at least 72.9 billion dollars from iPhone sales in the current quarter. So that the total turnover of the company can reach 122.2 billion dollars.

Apparently, in recent weeks Apple has decided to produce more smartphones in its partner plants in India. Therefore, it would have chosen to start trial production of the iPhone 13 at its Foxconn plant in Chennai, with the aim of moving to more massive production by February 2022. According to the Indian edition The Economic Times, 20% to 30% % of iPhones manufactured in India are currently being sold overseas. A percentage that the company seems willing to increase. We will see then if this is really the case. In the meantime, let’s settle for guaranteed production of Apple iPhones.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.