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Oracle releases No Planet B: here are all the details

Oracle recently released globally researched research titled “No Planet B” which highlights the complexity e le opportunity related to innovation in this area. Let’s find out all the details together.

No Planet B, here’s Oracle’s research

According to new research conducted by Oracle and from Pamela Rucker, CIO Advisor, people all over the world demand greater progress in the field of sustainability and gods social issuesas well as a greater commitment by companies.

Research “No Planet B” commissioned by Oracle involved over 11,000 consumers and business managers in 15 different countries; the report found that people they are disappointed e frustrate the lack of progress by society in the field of sustainability and social initiatives. According to reports, people want companies they pass from words to deeds and they are convinced that the technology can help companies to achieve more concrete goals.

More commitment on the part of companies in favor of sustainability and social issues

The events of the past two years have brought i social issues and of sustainability. As a result, they have made people all over the world sick of lack of progress. It is for this reason that they demand a greater commitment on the part of companies. Below we present the data of the report.

  • For the 93% of the people there sustainability e social factors are more important today that never.
  • Il 94% believes the company has not made enough progress; for 42% people are too busy with other priorities; 39% blame a greater emphasis on short-term profits over long-term benefits; finally, 37% believe that people are “too lazy and selfish” to help save the planet.
  • Il 45% he is convinced that companies can contribute more significantly in favor of sustainability.
  • 78% are disappointed and frustrated by the lack of progress on the part of companies to date.
  • L’84% believes that companies could do more progress in achieving the objectives of sustainability and social responsibility thanks to the help of artificial intelligence.

Operational biases and complexities hold back companies on ESG issues

Business managers are aware that the commitment to sustainability it is fundamental for the success of companies. For this they would also rely on bot (as well as on people) for promote sustainability e social commitment.

Il 92% of the interviewees believes that sustainability e i ESG programs are fundamental for the success of business organizations. However, almost all company managers are encountering enormous obstacles in the implementation of ESG and sustainability initiatives.

The main challenges concern obtaining ESG parameters by partners and third-party companies (35%); there lack of data (33%); i manual reporting processes e expensive in terms of time (32%).

Many people would reliance on bots as they turn out to be more reliable from a data collection point of view. However, business managers are convinced that the people they will continue to be essential to the success of social and sustainability initiatives.

Oracle’s No Planet B: Companies need to act now

Organizations must give priority to sustainability and at social issues. Consequently they have to rethink the how they employ technology to make a difference, if they don’t want to risk serious consequences.

  • Il 94% some people want see progress with regard to environmental and social sustainability.
  • Il 70% some people would be willing to stop any relationship with brands that do not take sustainability and social initiatives seriously; 69% would leave their current company to work for those who work hard on these fronts.

This means that if business organizations succeed in clearly demonstrate progress they are doing on the environmental and social front, people would be more likely to pay a premium for products and services.

For more information about the search, you can consult the official site.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.