Pulsee: con SplittyPay è possibile aiutare i propri cari a pagare le bollette thumbnail

Pulsee: with SplittyPay it is possible to divide the expenses for the bills

Pulsee: With SplittyPay you can help loved ones pay their bills thumbnail

On the occasion of World Parents’ Day, Pulsee invites everyone to take care of their loved ones with a smart and concrete gesture able to generate shared value. Axpo Italia’s energy company has always been characterized by a digital and sustainable approach and is today the only operator in the energy utilities market that provides Splitty Pay cost sharing service.

Pulsee offers SplittyPay to help parents pay their electricity and gas bills

This service allows you to divide the costs of your bills in a smart and personalized way, in full compliance with the key concept of the brand “Sharing is Caring”. The initiative launched on the occasion of World Parents’ Day by Pulsee concerns precisely SplittyPay which represents a tool to concretely help one’s parents.

With SplittyPay, in fact, it is possible to pay part of the bills of Pulsee customer parents. This system can be activated even if you do not live in the same house. That way, splitting payments and helping loved ones pay their bills is even easier.

Helping retirees in need

It is a simple and immediate gesture that allows you to help and support older people. In Italy, in fact, there are more 10 million pensions with an amount of less than 750 euros. This is 58% of the total. Thanks to the solution proposed by Pulsee it is possible to offer concrete and immediate help to one’s parents by contributing to the payment of bills.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.