Il nuovo webinar di Poste Italiane sull'educazione digitale è disponibile gratuitamente thumbnail

The Poste Italiane webinar on digital education is available for free

The new Poste Italiane webinar on digital education is available free thumbnail

Blue webinar button on keyboard

The new webinar promoted by Poste Italianescheduled for the next one June 8is dedicated to telecommunications and to the impacts of this sector on our lifestyle. In particular, the new webinar promoted by Poste Italiane will focus on cloud platforms and the remote management of particularly complex activities.

The Poste Italiane webinar is available free of charge

L’access to the new webinar promoted by Poste Italiane is available through registration on the official website completely free. The focus of the webinar will be the remote management of online activities and access to cloud platforms. This is a very topical issue that shows how the telecommunications sector can affect the lives of users. The webinar represents a new step in the promotion of digital education started some time ago by Poste Italiane. The digital path launched by Poste Italiane includes pills and podcasts designed to increase awareness of the technological world for users.

On the project, the association Aidr – Italian Digital Revolution Association underlines how the project is part of: ”the process of promoting digital education initiated by Poste Italiane, aimed at spreading digital skills, essential in the workplace. A series of online activities will be dedicated to Small Economic Operators, entrepreneurs and freelancers who want to implement tools and processes within their economic activity, fully grasping the opportunities offered by digital evolution “

The appointment with the webinar is for 8 June at 5.30 pm.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.