Ecco come Amazon protegge clienti, marchi e partner thumbnail

Here’s how Amazon protects customers, brands and partners

Here's how Amazon protects customers, brands and partners. Thumbnail

Amazon published the second Trademark Protection Reportwhich highlights the constant commitment to offer authentic products in its store and protect consumers so that they can trust their purchasing choices.

The Amazon Trademark Protection Report

Amazon and its many sales partners serve hundreds of millions of customers around the world. As you can imagine, all of these customers expect to receive authentic products every time they make a purchase in the store directly from Amazon o from one of the millions of sales partners.

For this reason, in 2021, the company decided to invest more than 900 million dollars and take more than 12 thousand people to protect customers, brands, sales partners and the store from counterfeiting, fraud and other forms of abuse.

The second one Trademark Protection Report details the progress made in three key areas:

  • Solid and effective proactive controls to protect the store;
  • Industry-leading tools that enable rights holders to partner with Amazon to better protect their brands;
  • Legal actions against counterfeiters.

The main points of the report

  • Deterring and thwarting counterfeiters: Amazon blocked over 2.5 million suspicious selling accounts before they even posted a single sales offer. These strong controls, coupled with actions against evildoers, are dissuading counterfeiters from attempting to sell on Amazon.
  • Innovating Brand Protection Tools: the Marche Registry has grown a lot and now includes over 700,000 active brands. At the same time, the average number of valid infringement notifications reported to Amazon by a brand in the Brand Registry decreased by 25% from the previous year.
  • Legal actions against counterfeiters: the company’s Counterfeiting Crimes Unit continued to strive for bring counterfeiters before the law. In 2021, the Amazon CCU has:
    • Filed civil lawsuits against over 170 counterfeiters in US courts;
    • Over 600 counterfeiters in the US, UK, EU and China sued or reported to authorities.
  • Identify and quarantine counterfeit products: Amazon has located, quarantined and disposed of further 3 million counterfeit products.
  • Create partnerships between public and privateBased on its learning and progress in securing its store, Amazon has released recommendations to foster collaboration between the public and private sectors to stop counterfeiters.

The company finally stressed the importance of exchange of information in the private sector between retailers to stop counterfeiters; there cooperation with customs to protect borders and the need for aincrease the resources allocated to the police to prosecute counterfeiters.

To view the complete report, you can consult the official site.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.