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Free 10-year EU roaming renewal is coming

Il renewal free of EU roaming for another ten years is now around the corner: tomorrow, 1 July, the new EU regulation will come into force. Let’s find out all the details together.

Free 10-year EU roaming renewal is coming

The new EU regulation that extends theabolition of paid roaming for another ten years. The decision had already been approved by the Council of the European Union a few months ago: this means that the roaming in the EU will remain free until 2032 and that you can surf with your smartphone even abroad at no additional cost within the Union.

This is precisely the aim of the program Roam-like-at-home which, however, offers some innovations compared to the past. For example, now the costs to contact i emergency services are reset in all countries of the Union. In addition, telecommunication companies have an obligation to notify customers in the case of increases for services such as the helpdesk.

The news, however, does not end here. The new program also reviews the costs of wholesale connections to ensure that they are sustainable by operators from all over the continent.

Il Council of the European Union he has declared:

With our regulation we have all benefited from roaming as if we were at home. We can call, text and use the internet at no extra cost when traveling in the EU.

The Vice-President of the EU Commission, Margrethe Vestagerhe stated instead:

This is a very tangible benefit of our single European market. The extension of these rules will keep prices competitive among operators and allow consumers to continue using free roaming services for the next ten years.

To conclude, through this program, consumers will also be entitled to same quality e connection speed abroad as in one’s own country, wherever equivalent networks are available.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.