Gli account social dell'Esercito Britannico usati per truffe crypto thumbnail

British Army social accounts used for crypto scams

British Army social media accounts used for crypto scams thumbnail

Both the account YouTube that Twitter dell’British Army have been hacked and used to propagate truffe crypto. The UK Ministry of Defense confirmed the attack. Although at the moment it is not clear how we got access to the credentials. At the moment both accounts are back to normal.

The social accounts of the British Army exploited for crypto scams

The press office of the Ministry of Defense of the Kingdom has written on Sunday that “We are aware of the breach in the Army’s Twitter and YouTube accounts and the investigation is underway. The military takes cybersecurity extremely seriously and is solving the problem“.

In the previous hours, hackers had taken possession of the Twitter account. They then changed their profile photo, bio and cover image to promote the collection The Possessed NFT. A featured post and linktree linked to a fake site for NFTs.

The YouTube account also suffered the same fate.

british army youtube hacked min

They had replaced all existing videos, changed their profile picture and name to look like legitimate investment firms Ark Invest. They had then replaced the videos with filmed with Tesla CEO Elon Musk and former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, register for a June event. Where they had added an overlay to link to a crypto scam site.

The tactic he uses on the British Army’s social networks recalls what he saw in March with the youtuber MKLeoSuper Smash Bros. Ultimate champion.

Rocio Vives, a spokesperson for Twitter, explained that the Army has regained possession of the account. While YouTube has not currently commented on the event. At the moment it is difficultand evaluate the effectiveness of this attack in spreading the scams to other victims. We will keep you informed in case there is any further information.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.