Google Analytics e GDPR, il punto di vista di Tag Manager Italia thumbnail

Google Analytics and GDPR, the point of view of Tag Manager Italia

The intervention of Privacy Guarantor according to which Google Analytics would not respect the GDPR is causing a lot of discussion e Tag Manager Italia he wanted to clarify the situation. Also because many are talking about the issue in a somewhat approximate way. So let’s try to clarify and understand what is happening.

Google Analytics respects the GDPR: the point of Tag Manager Italy

From what is emerging, the sending of personal information to servers located in the United States would not be in line with the GDPR. Many are therefore declaring Google Analytics “illegal” and propose alternative solutions. Tag Manager Italiawhich specializes in tracking and measuring websites, wants to avoid easy alarmism.

The first distinction to be made is that the provision concerns a single publisher: Caffeina Media. In addition, the Guarantor does not in any way prohibit the use of Google Analytics. Instead it urges companies to take all necessary measures to ensure compliance with the GDPR.

Matteo Zambon, Co-founder of Tag Manager Italia he explains: “The provision establishes that the sending of personal data of users to the USA is an illegal. But this does not only concern Google Analytics, but thousands of software in daily use, both professionally and for leisure.

Google Analytics GDPR The vision of Tag Manager ItaliaMatteo Zambon

“The problem is not Google Analytics but the transfer of the user’s personal data abroad carried out by the various software, for example Google Ads remarketing, Facebook Pixel, TikTok Pixel, Active Campaign, Mailchimp and more.

Also, being a 2020 case, the case is about the configuration of Google Analytics 3 and not the release 4.

How to react?

Tag Manager Italia is evaluating different avenues. Like the ability to install on-premise and open-source solutions such as Matomo, which however requires very advanced security management. “In all likelihood, the solution is one specific configuration of Google Analytics 4 and Server-side tracking, which in any case must be customized in any case”Continues Zambon.

According to a recent declaration by the French CNIL, using proxy servers, a European intermediary on which to send user data, complies with the GDPR regulations. Infatt prevents personal data from arriving in the United States. The advice therefore is that di move to Analytics 4 as soon as possible. E use the necessary precautions to comply with the GDPR.

Find more solutions on the Tag Manager Italia website.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.