Le tariffe mobile estive costano di meno e includono più Giga: i dati dell'Osservatorio SOStariffe.it thumbnail

Summer mobile rates cost less and have more Giga per month

Summer mobile rates cost less and include more Giga: data from the SOStariffe.it Observatory thumbnail

The new survey by the SOStariffe.it Observatory focuses on mobile tariffs to be activated in summer going to make a comparison between the proposals available on the market in 2022 and those available during 2021. According to the data collected by the survey, there is now the possibility for users to obtain additional bonuses at a lower cost. Here are the details:

Summer mobile rates are becoming more and more complete: the results of the SOStariffe.it Observatory survey

The study confirms that the summer mobile rates make available unlimited minutes, 1533 SMS and 121 GB per month. Note that a + 64% increase in Giga available compared to 2021 data.

Moreover, thanks to the summer promotions, it is possible to access 221 GB for surfing during the summer. In this case, the growth is of +75%. The increase in the Giga included is accompanied by a decrease in the average monthly fee. The offers now feature a fee of 8.65 euros per month with a decrease of -13% compared to last year’s data.

It should be noted that the operators, to attract users to the new summer mobile rates, propose some additional bonuses. For example, it is often proposed to buy a 5G smartphone in combination with the rates or months or top-ups are granted for free. Many offers also offer the possibility to activate an extra Giga bundle indefinitely and not just for the summer period.

Mobile Rates for Summer: 2022 VS 2021
Features July 2021 July 2022 Variations
Minutes Included Unlimited Unlimited
SMS Included 2183 1533 -30%
Giga Included 74 121 64%
Giga Included in the promo 126 221 75%
Average Monthly Fee 9,93 € 8,65 € -13%

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.