Elimobile lancia Elispace, il primo marketplace NFT in Italia thumbnail

Elimobile launches Elispace, the first NFT marketplace in Italy

The all-Italian telephone company Mobile he threw Elispaceil first NFT marketplace in Italy and which will be the epicenter of the ecosystem of token $ELITE. Network based Polygonpromises to bring users to the crypto world with a range of exclusive content.

Elimobile lancia il marketplace NFT Elispace

According to Elimobile, the NFT Elispace marketplace can help many interested but still skeptical users in the world of crypto currencies. Linked to the $ ELITE token, which you can use to purchase shared content on the Polygon platform. Beyond buy and store assets, you can become an active part of the system and get to know it better.

Among the exclusive contents related to the Elimobile world there are the Talent Art Collection, a collection of NFT that sees portraits in graphic contents of the main well-known faces of the world of sport and entertainment. But also of music, of the social world, of fashion, of business, and all those involved in the Elimobile ecosystem.

You can also buy Premium numbers for youro phone, easy to remember and use. You can enable them to help remember your number, an interesting company-wide tactic for leaving a sign. You can keep it as an NFT investment, or activate it: in this case Elimobile sends you the SIM and cancels the NFT.

Eli Island, on the other hand, is an island in the metaverse of State1.io, one of the main virtual cities, inspired by the world of $ ELITE token and by Elimobile. Here you can visit the virtual shop, digitize your business. And then meeting colleagues, employees and socializing, as well as buying properties.

Finally, there are some Masterclass where to experience entertainment as an investor. In fact, if you buy NFT, every time someone takes a course on ElysiumElimobile’s decentralized platform, you will have a percentage of the purchase.

You can experience all these novelties at this address.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.