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Oppo, all the news of the Developer Conference 2022

Oppo to the Developer Conference 2022 ha announces several innovative innovations: the multi-platform intelligent system wetlandthe solution OPPO Carlink and the algorithm for health OPPO Sense. It also announced a RMB 2 billion (€ 300 million) plan to support developers and creators.

Oppo, the news of the Developer Conference 2022

Pete Lau, Senior Vice President e Chief Product Officer di Oppo, explains: “We will live in a world where smart devices will be everywhere and will not have to be simply connected, but integrated to satisfy users and help improve the user experience“. To cope with these changes, Oppo aims to “work closely with developers and our partners globally, to ensure that this goal is achieved and that the result is available to all.”

Among the novelties announced at the event there is wetlandhis first multi-platform system. Designed to manage cross-device detection and computation, it makes it easier for developers to develop and deploy services across multiple platforms. Something that reduces costs and increases efficiency.

2022 OPPO Developer Conference 800x533 2 min

Oppo Carlink enable instead integration between smartphone and car. There is no need to modify existing onboard infotainment systems, but you can use all the best features of your smartphone. Oppo also announced a partnership con SAIC Motorand earlier this year did another with Tesla China to use OPPO smartphones as digital keys for the Tesla Model 3 and Model Y in China.

Investment in the future

Oppo also announced that it has launched the broadest IoT product portfolio in over 50 countries, for growth of over 120% in all categories over the past three years. He has over 300,000 developers and 700,000 creators, which he wants to invest in – RMB 2 billion of resources for his Gravity Plan.

Finally he announced the proprietary algorithm OPPO Senseto monitor the cardiovascular health, fitness and sleep monitoring. And it is collaborating with several partners around the world to take full advantage of it.

Oppo updated on the Oppo call to action Research Institute Innovation Accelerator, which ended on 29 August. Of the 536 proposals received from 39 countries, ten winning proposals were selected, who receive $ 46,000 in grants, support from OPPO and its partners. Another sign of the brand’s continued propensity for the future.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.