Serrature smart e casseforti: il mondo di Yale si espande thumbnail

Smart locks and safes: the world of Yale expands

BERLIN – Let’s meet Josh Waites, Head of Product Unit Residential Access per The EMEA, in a room of the immense Messedamm, far from the chaos of the main stand. In these few square meters, there is room for the latest Yale products, including a tiny but effective lock to close the cabinets.

Yale Smart Cabinet Lock

Yale Smart Cabinet Lock installation

We usually associate the English brand with Linusthe smart lock that has allowed the company to make itself known also in Italy, yet the current line up is decidedly rich. Today, the Yale family includes alarms, cameras, safes, locks and more.
The latest addition to this full-bodied range is precisely Yale Smart Cabinet Lock which, as we have anticipated, is used to block access to the lockers and drawers of the house.
And yes, we know, you are wondering what on earth it could do. In reality, the possibilities are different.
You can block access to candy for children, you can keep your medicines safe, you can also prevent any guests, perhaps visiting via Airbnb, from opening furniture that contains delicate or private objects. There is also nothing to stop you from using it to prevent someone from stealing your jewelry or stealing your documents.

Yale Smart Cabinet Lock

All this relying on two key elements: the ease of installation and use of the Yale Access app.
The new Cabinet Lock, as Josh Waites shows us, is composed of a central body, which must be positioned inside the cabinet and hooked (or glued) on the lower shelf; then we have a second component which instead is glued to the door, taking care to verify that it can easily enter the central body.
At the end of the operation you will need to use the application to link Yale Smart Cabinet Lock to your account so you can lock or grant access to the cabinet. The app also allows you to share the digital key and check the history to understand who opened or closed your precious locker.

There is no single variant of this product. The English company has indeed created two models: one Bluetooth and one WiFi. The difference? The first offers total control only when you are at home, within the range of the Bluetooth signal, while the second allows you to act anywhere, also taking advantage of voice assistants or any integrations with IFTTT.

Yale Smart Safe. Yes, it is a safe!

Yale Smart Safe

Well yes, there is also a new smart safe in the now populated Yale family.
Compact size, anti-burglary locking bolts e Wi-Fi connectivity to connect it to both the Yale Access application and Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Apple HomeKit. In case of emergency, you can always count on the handy keypad positioned on the door.

To ensure greater safety, Yale Smart Safe integrates an alarm that is activated after 5 unsuccessful access attempts; more self-locks for 5 minutes giving you time to check what is happening.

Who is it dedicated to? Well, everyone from managers who want to keep documents safe to those who have valuables at home to protect.

At the moment both the Smart Safe and the Smart Cabinet Lock have not yet arrived in Italy but their landing in our country should not be far away.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.