Google aprirà il primo data center in Giappone nel 2023 thumbnail

Google will open the first data center in Japan in 2023

Google announced the opening of its first data center in Japan in the 2023near the city of Surgery, Chiba. The infrastructure from 730 million dollars will be fully completed in 2024. It will become Google’s third largest data center in Asia, along with Taiwan e Singapore.

Google, first data center in Japan in 2023

Google assured in a press release that the new data center will provide “faster and more stable tools and services, support economic activities and create jobs, and it will connect Japan to the rest of the global digital economy ”.

Google already has “regioni cloud” a Tokyo e Osaka, that provide cloud storage and services for on-premises customers. Until now, the company was leveraging international partners (such as Equinix, for example) to serve Google Cloud customers in those regions. But now he’s creating a data center of his own, for each of his services – including YouTube, Gmail, and more.

google search

Google CEO Sundar Pichai explained in a blog post that the company will invest $ 730 million until 2024 to complete the infrastructure. And he shared with the prime minister Fumio Kishida the “Japan Digitalization Initiative“, The plan for the Country of Mountain View. Which in addition to infrastructure includes training and other types of investment. Which according to an independent analysis could bring up to 300 billion more gross domestic product for Japan.

A few months ago, Google also announced the Topaz submarine cable, which will unite Japan and Canada. And in general the company is pushing to expand its services: it recently announced the first cloud region in South Africa, in August in Malaysia, Thailand and New Zealand. Also in Italy it has recently established two new cloud regions in Milan and Turin.

Google wants to bring his Cloud all over the world and is investing to carry out this project. In the next few years we will find out if it will be a winning strategy.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.