Return to Monkey Island sta per arrivare sulle console di next-generation thumbnail

Return to Monkey Island is coming to next-generation consoles

Return to Monkey Island is coming to next-generation thumbnail consoles

He publishes Return Digital and the developer Terrible Toybox they announced that the title Return to Monkey Island will also be available on PS5 e Xbox Series X e Series S. According to what has been revealed, the title will officially debut on the consoles of next-generation l’8 novembre and will also be available via Xbox Game Pass. Here are all the details.

Return to Monkey Island debutta su PS5 e Xbox Series

Return to Monkey Island first debuted on Nintendo Switch e PC via Steam on September 19. Below is an overview of the game and its main features.

Return to Monkey Island is an unexpected and exciting return from the creator of the series Ron Gilbert that continues the story of the legendary adventure games The Secret of Monkey Island and Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge developed in collaboration with Lucasfilm Games.

They have passed many years since the last time Guybrush Threepwood has clashed with his nemesis, the zombie pirate LeChuck. Her true love, Elaine Marleyhas turned away from the government and Guybrush himself is adrift and dissatisfied, never having found the Secret of Monkey Island. The young hip pirates, led by the Captain Madisonthey turned the old guard away from power, Melee Island took a bad turn and the famous businessman Stan he was jailed for “marketing crimes”.

Have a chat with old friends e new faces on familiar islands, now under new and dangerous leadership. Then, take off and explore the new and the unknown while trying to get out of difficult situations. Get ready for clever puzzles, bizarre situations, and devastating spite.

Game Features

  • Return to point and click: Bringing classic point and click gameplay to the present day, intrepid pirates will solve puzzles and explore islands with a clever evolution of classic adventure game controls. Context-sensitive interactions, responsive dialogue trees, and an easy-to-use inventory system make piracy a breeze.
  • Adventures in the archipelago: navigate the sometimes friendly borders of Melee Island, a familiar place under new management by leaders who have put old friends and new faces under pressure. Venture into uncharted lands, such as the Isle of Terror and the chilling outposts of Young Brrrto make alliances and enemies.
  • Created by a legendary team: The thrilling conclusion of the Monkey Island series marks the return of the creator of the iconic series Ron Gilbertflanked by the co-writer Dave Grossmanby the artistic director Rex Crowle (Knights & Bikes, Tearaway) e dai compositori Peter McConnell, Michael Land e Clint Bajakian (Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge).

For more information you can consult the official site of the title.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.