OnePlus festeggia 9 anni e lancia OnePlus Featuring thumbnail

OnePlus celebrates 9 years and launches OnePlus Featuring

OnePlus celebrate the ninth year of activity throwing OnePlus Featuring, a new platform for co-creating content. A way to work together with people who share the same passion as OnePlus.

OnePlus compie 9 anni e lancia OnePlus Featuring

The new OnePlus Featuring platform allows you to create interesting products that all people can then buy on the same platform. For example, OnePlus asked users earlier this year which product to make and launched something completely new for the company: a customizable keyboard.

A product that arrives thanks to the close collaboration with Keychron, a company specializing in the creation of keyboards. This collaboration will lead to the arrival of this mechanical keyboard early next year, right on the platform OnePlus Featuring.

OnePlus Featuring min

Apart from this, OnePlus is also announcing strong growth results worldwide. In fact, the brand has grown by 43.8% worldwide, with a particularly pronounced increase in Asia Pacific and India, where it reaches +104.6%. Furthermore, in the third quarter the brand reached first place on the Indian market.

Kinder Liu, President of OnePlus, explains: “2022 was an important year for OnePlus. We have achieved great results, also and above all thanks to the support of our users all over the world. The motto ‘Never Settle’ guides our every choice and for this reason we do everything possible to provide customers with products and experiences of the highest level. The feedback, questions and ideas of our users motivate us to always find new solutions and get involved.“

This new project is part of the many initiatives to involve fans of the brand, such as Power of Community, which allows you to share the news right from the first ideas.

Find more news for the ninth anniversary of OnePlus on the official website.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.