iOS 16, arriva la sesta beta thumbnail

iOS 16: here’s what the adoption rate is 100 days after release

iOS 16: this is the adoption rate of the thumbnail operating system

Apple has not yet released precise data on the iOS 16 adoption rate. According to a recent analysis, however, the new version of Apple’s operating system, characterized in its first versions by an unusual amount of bugs by the standards of the Cupertino house, it would have nearly reached 70% of all active iPhones. Here are the full details:

The new iOS 16 is installed on almost 70% of iPhones

According to some data that appeared online in these hours and not yet confirmed by Apple, iOS 16 is available on nearly 70% of iPhones. In total, iOS 16’s penetration share is expected to be 68,9% with iOS 15 stopped at just under 25%. Only 7% of active iPhones currently come with an older version of Apple’s operating system.

Recall that the Cupertino house is working for a major update of iOS 16 which should arrive shortlyto version 16.2 (already available in beta for some time and expected to be released in a stable version during the next week). The goal of the new version will be to solve the various iOS problems that have emerged in recent months.

Further details regarding the diffusion of the new version of iOS should emerge over the next few weeks. By the end of the year, in any case, the 70% share of circulation will be largely exceeded.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.