Twitter sospende l'account del suo rivale Mastodon (e di diversi giornalisti) thumbnail

Twitter suspends the account of its rival Mastodon (and several journalists)

Twitter has removed theMastodon accounthis social network rivale. The decision appears to come after Mastodon’s account posted a link to their servers to follow Elon Musk’s private planewho banned the account yesterday @ElonJet da Twitter. Furthermore, it seems that several links to Mastodon on Twitter are blocked because they are “potentially dangerous”.

Twitter suspends Mastodon’s account, blocks several links

Yesterday Twitter had banned several accounts that posted the real-time location of the private jets of several billionaires, including Elon Musk. Technically public information: airports must make it accessible online. But that according to the social networks were dangerousbecause they are easily available. Although only a few weeks ago Musk had said that he would not have blocked these accounts to defend free speech.

After the suspension of the @ElonJet account, managed by Californian student Jack Sweeney, Mastodon posted the link to the own servers of Musk’s aero account tracker. This cost him a ban.

Yesterday afternoon, Twitter then began reporting all links to Mastodon, saying they were “potentially dangerous”. Blocking also the links of Twitter users who warned their followers that they were about to switch to Mastodon.

mastodon google

It therefore seems that not only Musk and his team wanted to increase the dose of bans linked to the @ElonJet account, but also remove links to a competitor siteyou. The federated social network Mastodon is attracting the interest of many users looking for an alternative to Twitter, after Musk took control of the social network.

In addition to blocking Mastodon, Musk has also banned several accounts from American journalists. Officially, for posting links to other social networks where @ElonJet remains free to post the location of the billionaire’s plane. Among them are Drew Harwell of The Washington Post, Keith Olbermann of MSNBC, Ryan Mac of The New York Times, Donie O’Sullivan of CNN, Matt Binder of Mashable and Aaron Rupar.

Musk asked his followers in a poll if he should “unsuspend accounts that have doxxed my exact real-time location.” At the moment he is winning the answer”Immediately“. After the polls, Musk has always called “Vox populi, vox dei”. We’ll see if that’s the case again this time.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.