Libero Mail: tutto quello che dovete sapere sulla nuova app mobile thumbnail

Libero Mail: everything you need to know about the new mobile app

Libero mail he is almost 25 years old.
The service was inaugurated in 1999, when the Internet was only the preserve of a few, when connections were still very slow, when e-mail was still a luxury instead of a necessity.
Libero Mail was simple, intuitive and, above all, free.
It therefore becomes easy to understand how he was able to capture the attention of thousands of Italians right away. Now, 24 years later, we are talking about millions of usersi.

A question therefore arises spontaneously: how did Libero Mail retain its users and bring home new ones despite the competition?
The secret is to keep up and propose something new.
Here because today the Libero Mail app has a new look and new functionsdesigned to meet the needs of contemporary users.

app Libero Mail home

Libero Mail: the new mobile app

We spent a few days in the company of the new Libero Mail mobile app and it’s impossible not to perceive the evolution of this application. Not only aesthetic but above all functional.

It starts from multiaccount, with the application allowing you to connect all your mail accounts. In seconds we connected Virgil, Gmail, Outlook365 and Hotmail. This means that you can manage your mail with a single app instead of having 3-4 installed on your smartphone or tablet.
Each box can be marked by a different colour, so it will only take you a second to understand which account you are checking. And, of course, each profile includes all previously created folders, which helps you keep even the most populated mailboxes in order.

Free Mail customization app

But this is only the beginning. The watchword of the new Libero Mail app is “personalisation”.
Now you can, for examplechoose whether to use the light, dark theme or to match the system settingswith switching between the two themes automating to match the settings of your mobile device.
It’s possible change the name associated with your account, so that your emails are received only with the first name, with first and last name or with any fantasy name you can think of. And yes, you are free to edit the automatic signature associated with your messages as well.

The application also allows you to decide whether whether or not to preview messages or whether to opt for a more minimal view; in addition you have the option to group the emails as a single conversation if you find it more convenient.

That’s not all: Libero Mail integrates the quick actionsso with a swipe left or right you can complete a series of operations on the fly.
For example, swiping right could mark an email as unread, delete it, move it to another folder, or mark it as spam. The actions are customizable so you just need to go to Settings / Applications / Scroll actions to choose the ones that best suit your needs.

Even writing messages becomes more comfortable.
Indeed, you can allow access to the phone book for activate the recipient suggestion feature; moreover, the “+” key helps you to quickly access your address book.
There is no shortage of the possibility to ask for the read receipt and that of setting the High priority to identify an email as urgent.

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Great attention is also paid to safety. The Libero Mail mobile app allows you to set a PIN to keep your mail away from prying eyes. You can too activate biometric unlockingusing your fingerprint or facial recognition to log in.

You can find all this both on your smartphone and tabletwith an interface that was created to adapt perfectly to the two types of mobile devices, in order to offer the best possible user experience everywhere.

app Free Mail news

The News and Store sections

Opening Free Mail Appin the menu located at the bottom you can also see the presence of two new sections, News e Store.
The first is the area dedicated to most important news of the day. Of each one you can view a cover image, the title and the categorization, after which a click will be enough to open the entire article and read it.

The app also uses geolocation for show you the weather and events in your city; plus you can select your zodiac sign so you will have every day the horoscope handy.

The second is the area Store, which currently includes offers from Libero Club services dLibero Pay and is constantly evolving.
What are? Libero Club is a shopping club that offers members exclusive products and offers on items for the home, electronics, beauty, leisure and more. The catalog also includes gift cards at reduced prices and discounted tickets for cinemas, amusement parks and spas. Registration is free and the purchase is made through a convenient and secure payment process. Libero Pay is the digital payment service that allows you to pay postal and bank orders, pagoPA payment notices, Mav, Rav and car tax simply, quickly and securely 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, wherever you are.

Download the new Libero Mail mobile app

Free Mail app new version

The new Libero Mail mobile app is already available on all Stores. If you have already installed the previous version, just update it, if you haven’t tried the application yet, that’s enough download it for free here.

Is it worth trying? Absolutely yes. Libero Mail has become even more intuitive and completedesigned to support even the most demanding users and with the possibility of keeping up to date using the News tab, without therefore leaving the app and having to open other ones. More than a mail application we are now faced with a small and very efficient hub.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.