Disgust è la nuova Lente AR di Snapchat: ecco di cosa si tratta thumbnail

Disgust is Snapchat’s new AR Lens—that’s what it’s all about

Disgust is Snapchat's new AR Lens - that's what it's all about thumbnail

The world of Snapchat loves AR Lenses. One of the latest innovations in this sense is the Disgust Lenswhich turns Snapchatters’ facial expressions into a frown of disgust and, despite the name, is already gaining momentum on Snapchat.

Disgust, introduced about a week ago, has already been used by over 235 million Snapchatters. A universal phenomenon. Among the celebrities and influencers who have already tried it are the singer and actor Jared Letothe singer-songwriter Meghan Trainorthe ballerina and the tiktoker Charlie D’Amelio.

How to use the Disgust Lens on Snapchat

To access the Disgust Lens just open the Snapchat app and select the section Explorer Lens. Alternatively, you can scan the Snapcode found below.

Disgust Lens Snapcode

The Disgust Lens is available globally and can be used with both the front and rear cameras. Meanwhile, the Lens has also gone viral on other social platforms, such as TikTok, Instagram and Twitter, where users use it to comment on embarrassing, cringe or funny situations. Snapchat suggests using it to comment on Ben Affleck’s iconic “#SadAffleck” or to react to Kourtney Kardashian’s recent “bathroom feast”.

Snapchat Disgust Lens

In short, be disgusted. Disgusted but happy.

  • Mark Brunasso

    Writing is my passion, music is my life and Liam Gallagher my God. Otherwise I’m 30 and a musician, singer and songwriter. Here I mainly write about music and videogames, but everything that has to do with the creation of parallel worlds fascinates me. 🌋From Pompeii with love.🧡

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.