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Try Galaxy, now you can try Galaxy on iPhone

Samsung Electronics announced today that the app Try Galaxywhich allows Apple users to simulate the interface experience Galaxy S23 One UI on your iPhone, can be downloaded in Italian. A way to experience the Android world also on iOS.

Try Galaxy, the app to try Galaxy on iPhone

After downloading the application via QR code da mobile or from the site, the app gives access to gods video tutorials showing how to use a Galaxy smartphone and gives the possibility to navigate the home screen, with the main Galaxy app icons, widgets and menus.

Users will thus be able to transform the interface of the iPhone into that of the Galaxy S23. And also try some exclusive features, such as the post-photo production, interface customization and Samsung apps.

Try Galaxy samsung iphone min

Interesting for iPhone users to try the feature Nightography, for taking night pictures. But also some in-app editing tools, like Remaster Image, to automatically enhance the details of your photos. Or the Object eraserwhich allows you to delete unwanted objects in a photo.

But it’s not just about photographs. For example, iPhone users can try the app Samsung Health, to keep your health under control.

With some demo videos, you can also discover thegaming experience on Galaxy S23,. And then other features related to battery, privacy and display, as well as customized Galaxy themes with One UI 5.1.

If you want to try some Android on your iPhone too (perhaps to evaluate which is the best), you can find more information here.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.