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ChatGPT arrives on smartphones and challenges GoogleChatGPT arrives on smartphones and challenges Google

ChatGPT also debuts as a smartphone app: OpenAI has launched an iPhone version available on the App Store. And she throws a dig at Google, proving ready to compete with the champion of search.

ChatGPT arrives on smartphones (and challenges Google)

ChatGPT is the generative AI platform that everyone is talking about. The language model called GPT-4 allows you to generate texts on any topic and format, starting from a user request. So users are using the bot to write emails for them, to search and more.

Not ChatGPT also comes as an app for Apple smartphones in the US. OpenAI announced it with an official press release on May 18, 2023.

ChatGPT European Parliament

The ChatGPT app offers several features. For example, it allows you to obtain information without having to search through many results or advertisements, receive personalized recommendations on recipes, trips or messagesget technical assistance on various topics or learn new things.

Although you should pay attention to the results: they are not always up to date and accurate. For now, the ChatGPT app is only for Apple devices, but OpenAI has promised that it will be available soon even for those with Android system.

With this launch, OpenAI challenges Google, the world’s leading search engine, and emphasizes that its app contains no ads and offers more accurate and relevant answers. That of advertising seems to be a dig at Google – which remains the largest search engine. But OpenAI wants generative AI to change power relationships.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.