Instagram sta per introdurre i chatbot AI con 30 personalità diverse thumbnail

Instagram is about to introduce AI chatbots with 30 different personalities

Instagram is about to introduce AI chatbots with 30 different thumbnail personalities

Meta seems to be interested in experimenting with i chatbots based on artificial intelligence (AI) on Instagram.

To report it is the well-known leaker Alexander Paluzziwho shared their Twitter a screenshot showing a welcome screen for this possible novelty. According to the screenshot (found below), we understand that AI chatbots will be able to interact with users, answer their questions, provide advice and help them write messages.

It is therefore all features that we have already known on other similar tools, such as ChatGPT by OpenAi and BingChat by Microsoft. The big news though is that users will have the option to choose from as many as 30 different AI personalitiesto find the one that best suits their tastes.

Instagram isn’t the only social platform to bet on AI chatbots

Meta has not yet confirmed or denied the existence of this feature, but has already expressed its interest in artificial intelligence in the past. The CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in February that Meta was working on developing AI personalities.

Of course, Meta isn’t the only company banking on AI chatbots as a social engagement tool. Snapchat has launched its own chatbot My AI (based on OpenAI’s ChatGPT) in February and sites like have allowed users to create and converse with celebrity-inspired chatbots.

At the moment we don’t know when AI chatbots will officially arrive on Instagram, but the screenshot of a reliable insider like Paluzzi is enough to confirm that the functionality is in the company’s plans.

  • Mark Brunasso

    Writing is my passion, music is my life and Liam Gallagher my God. Otherwise I’m 30 and a musician, singer and songwriter. Here I mainly write about music and videogames, but everything that has to do with the creation of parallel worlds fascinates me. 🌋From Pompeii with love.🧡

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.