Google fa provare i vestiti (di tutte le taglie) con l'AI thumbnail

Google lets you try on clothes (of all sizes) with AI

Google lets you try on clothes (of all sizes) with the AI ​​thumbnail

Google introduces a new AI tool on its search engine: it’s called TryOnDiffusion and allows you to virtually try on clothes from famous brands to see how they look on your body. And it does so by allowing you to “test” the clothes on different models, with every type of body.

Google TryOnDiffusion, try on clothes virtually with AI

This technology announced by Google is based on the Shopping Graph di Google, integrated into the Search experience. And it’s currently only available for women’s tops from well-known clothing brands like Anthropologie, LOFT, H&M ed Everlane. However, pre-launch testing showed that the AI ​​also works well with men’s clothing. It therefore seems that Google is thinking of a gradual release which also depends on the partnerships with the various brands.

How it works is simple: by searching Google (both on the Android app and from the browser) for a dress and clicking on the shopping card, AI proposes different types of solutions. And makes the article of clothing wear to a body type chosen by the user, offering a realistic representation of how it looks on a real person. With models of different sizes, to really understand how the dress fits different physiques.

google try on models to try on dresses virtually min

Google says it will expand this feature in the future to multiple clothing styles, brands, body types, and genders and which represents the future of online clothing shopping. The goal is to reduce the number of returns and allow more people to find their favorite items from the comfort of their homes. Something that maintains the convenience of online shopping – without costing businesses and the environment a lot.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.