Samsung non si ferma: obiettivo chip a 1,4 nm in pochi anni thumbnail

Samsung does not stop: 1.4 nm chip target in the future

Samsung wants to make ever more advanced chips. In fact, the Korean company has unveiled the roadmap to follow for the next few years. The goal is to reach the manufacturing process at 1.4 nm, recording a further step forward in terms of performance and efficiency. Here are all the details about it.

Samsung will be making 1.4nm chips in a few years

The Korean house has clarified what the roadmap will be for its future in chip production. The next step involves the departure of the 2 nm manufacturing process which will be ready for the 2025.

This production process will be used for mobile applications and, therefore, also for the smartphone sector. However, Samsung looks to the future. In fact, after 2 nm, the next goal has already been set. By 2027in fact, will kick off chip production with manufacturing process at 1.4 nm.

For the foreseeable future, Samsung intends to record significant growth, approaching TSMC which currently leads the market with a market share of 59% (relative to Q1 2023 according to Counterpoint Research). At the moment, Samsung must be satisfied with 13%.

It will be necessary to wait a few more years to register a decisive acceleration of Samsung in the chip sector. The roadmap outlined by the company, however, is very interesting and could anticipate rapid future growth for chip production in Samsung’s foundries.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.