Consigli per i gamers: ecco come raffreddare le console e i PC in estate thumbnail

Advice for gamers: here’s how to cool consoles in the summer

Advice for gamers: here's how to cool consoles and PCs in the summer thumbnail

Summer is the ideal season to enjoy your favorite video games, but the heat can put a strain on our devices, whether it’s PC or console. To prevent high temperatures from compromising the performance and life of the internal components, it is good to follow some simple precautions that will allow us to play without problems and without sweating too much. To ensure we provide you with a comprehensive guide, we asked for advice from Samsung, leader in technological innovation and gaming. The result are 7 simple tips to cool PCs and consoles for the summer.

7 tips to cool PCs and consoles

  • The ventilation: the first step to ensure the well-being of our PC or console is to place them in a cool and ventilated room. Air conditioning would be ideal, but it’s not essential. Just create a natural air current that renews the environment and prevents the heat generated by the devices from accumulating in the room.
  • The right placement: in addition to choosing a cool room, we must also pay attention to where we place our devices. Let’s avoid exposing them to direct sunlight, which increases the temperature of the room and of the devices themselves. If possible, close the curtains and keep the room dark when playing during the hottest part of the day. We also leave a space of at least 10 cm between the PC or console and the walls, so as not to obstruct the flow of hot air coming out of the back of the devices. If we have a gaming laptop, we are even more careful not to place it on soft surfaces such as a bed or sofa, because they could block the air vents and prevent cooling.
  • The importance of breaks: not only our devices need to rest, but we too. Taking breaks during gaming sessions is essential for our physical and mental health. Let’s move a bit, let’s stretch our legs, let’s rest our eyes. This good habit will help us play better and let our devices breathe. A timer can be a great help to remind us to take breaks even when we are immersed in the game.
  • Dust fight: one of the main enemies of the cooling system of our devices is dust, which settles on the internal components and reduces their efficiency. This is why it is important to clean our devices regularly with special products, especially in the summer when dust is more present.
  • Watch out for the battery: if we have a gaming laptop, we must be careful not to leave it plugged in all the time. When the laptop is charging, its temperature rises and if we keep it plugged in all the time, the risk of overheating is greater. We monitor the charging process and unplug the charger when the battery is 100%.
  • Technological supports: we can improve the gaming experience and protect our devices from the heat using technologies with integrated thermal control. An example is the‘SSD 990 PRO by Samsung, based on PCIe 4.0 and optimized for gaming and creative applications. This device has a nickel-plated controller and an advanced thermal control algorithm that manage heat and ensure consistent performance. Additionally, it has a heat sink that regulates NAND chip temperature and Dynamic Thermal Guard technology that maintains optimal temperature levels. The SSD 990 PRO is the perfect choice for avid gamers and creative professionals who want uninterrupted work and play.
  • Turn off your console and PC: a piece of advice that might seem obvious but can make a difference during hot summer days. People who enjoy longer gaming sessions usually leave their computer on even when they take a break, simply because they are too lazy to turn it off and on again. A habit that can be detrimental to your PC and console in the summer.
  • Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.