Samsung invita tutti al suo primo evento Galaxy Unpacked a Seoul thumbnail

Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2023, the company invites us to Seoul

Samsung invites everyone to its first Galaxy Unpacked event in Seoul thumbnail

Samsung Electronics is setting the stage for its first event Galaxy Unpacked a Seoul, South Korea, to be held on July 26th: the company invites all technology enthusiasts to this event and asks to “Join the flip side”. This event promises to be a perfect marriage between the cultural traditions of the place and the futuristic visions of Samsung. From the image of the invitation, you can understand that we will (also) talk about folding smartphones – and that Samsung has interesting news in this field.

Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2023, the company invites us to Seoul

The event will be broadcast in live stream to allow a global audience to participate in Samsung’s revelations. Viewers will be able to tune into Samsung’s official website (, Samsung Newsroom and Samsung’s YouTube channel from 13:00experiencing the emotion and atmosphere of this unique occasion.

During the Unpacked, Samsung is expected to showcase new technologies and cutting-edge products especially in the area of ​​foldable smartphones. But not only that: it seems that other products of the Galaxy family could debut in streaming.

This is the primo Unpacked a Seoulwith Samsung reaffirming its presence and its commitment to carry on its legacy of excellence in “its home”.

All that remains is to wait with trepidation il July 26 to find out what Samsung has in store during its Unpacked event. What news would you like to see? Write it to us in the comments.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.