BeC è il servizio che vi aiuta a "domare" le email thumbnail

BeC is the service that helps you “tame” emails

The email.
The nightmare of the 21st century.
We work with emails, we receive bills, we are bombarded with discounts and offers, they give us appointments to insert into our already busy calendar.
And so, hour after hour and day after day, our inboxes fill up with electronic letters that, at some point, need our attention.
But in what order?
Do I start with the older ones? From the most recent? Seeking what potentially could be more important? Am I going by heart? Do I make a list?
You could do any or all of these things. Or use BeC.

What is BeC?

BeC is a service created by the very Italian IANUSTEC which deals with automatically classify and organize your emails, notifying you only those that are important to you.

Too theoretical?
You are right. Let’s try to be concrete.

BeC is not a software to be downloaded, installed and learned.
It is not yet another program that takes up space on your computer.
It’s not even a mail client.

BeC is simply a website. A platform that only requires three steps before starting to help you:

  • signing up for the service, creating an account that requires little data and a few clicks;
  • adding the emails you want to be managed by BeC;
  • the mobile app setting, available on iOS and Android.
  • How does BeC work?

    Let’s take a practical example.
    You have a Gmail account which, by itself, divides your emails into Main, Promotions, Social and Updates. Useful but end at some point. Updates, for example, could contain the shipment notification of your Amazon package, which you would like to know about right away. We therefore do not want it to get lost in the chaos of other emails.
    This is where BeC comes into play.

    bC how does it work

    Indeed you can add your Gmail account to BeC defining the scope of use (Personal, Business or a mix of both), the number of labels you want to use e sorting.
    Let’s say you want 5 labels in descending order.
    What happens?
    Simple: BeC will create 5 new labels in your Gmail account and gradually it will begin to assign them to the emails you receive, deducing, thanks to artificial intelligence, what its priority is: BeC-1 will mean that it is important, BeC-2 that it is less important and so on.
    This ensures that you can check your mail starting with what is vital and then move on to the less important things.

    B and C how labels work

    Obviously it is not a static system that is the same for everyone.
    What is top priority for one person may not be for another.
    Here because BeC needs you.
    In fact, in the first phase the system will classify the emails but it is not certain that it will do it perfectly. You will therefore have to teach him what is important to you and what is not. And you do it simply by changing the label to emails that don’t have the right degree of priority for you.
    A process that is certainly a little long but which will reward you with the passage of time.

    B and C application

    Then there is another advantage of using BeC.
    If you receive many emails, spend your days feeling your smartphone vibrate or your smartwatch announcing the arrival of yet another electronic letter.
    We can say it: it’s exhausting. Not to mention that it can be a constant distraction, reducing your productivity throughout the day.
    BeC has a mobile application and the app allows you to receive only notifications associated with important emails. For example, you can only be notified for BeC-1 ranking mail, turning everything else off. This allows you not to miss important emails but, at the same time, not to be constantly distracted.

    Also know that the app can be installed on multiple devices and each device is independent therefore the notifications that, for example, you receive on your company smartphone will not necessarily be the ones you receive on your private phone.

    What else do I need to know?

    We have told you about Gmail but in reality it is not the only mail provider with which you can use BeC. The service supports all major email providers including Outlook, Hotmail and Libero.
    However, not all of these mail services support labels; that’s why BeC can also create some if necessary folders which correspond to the number of priority levels you have chosen.

    Also keep in mind that it is a service that is based on artificial intelligence and adapts so you are free to modify labels and parameters at any time.

    Finally, the system is able to juggle even in the face of other languages. It currently works with Arabic, Chinese, French, English, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and German.

    What about security?

    B&C AT prices

    Of course, security and privacy come first.
    Then no, BeC does not read all your emails and does not keep all your data. It learns only from the distinctive elements of each email and no data is saved.


    B and C is a paid service and includes a small monthly fee. For individuals there are three types of plans:

    • BeC One at €4.90 per month;
    • BeC Duo for €7.90 a month;
    • BeC Family a 14,90 € al mese.

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    Not sure which one to choose or not sure which one is right for you? There are 30 day trial free so you have plenty of time to use it and figure out if it’s right for you. All you have to do is register here.

    Let us know where you are!

    Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.