YourArtist AI permette di parlare e far cantare i propri artisti preferiti thumbnail

YourArtist AI allows you to talk and make your favorite artists sing

Who wouldn’t want to have the opportunity to converse with Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars o Ariana Grande? Who wouldn’t want to hear them sing a song of their choice? This is what it promises YourArtist AIa startup that creates voice clones and chatbots of famous artists.

What YourArtist AI is and how it works

YourArtist is an online platform that offers the possibility to interact with virtual singers, based on real celebrities. The user can choose from a list of available artists, such as Jennie from Blackpink, Taylor Swift o The Weeknd, and start conversing with them. Chatbots are able to answer questions, tell about their musical projects and even sing songs by other artists.

To have the virtual singer sing, just send a YouTube link or an audio file with your chosen track. The vocal clone, at that point, will take care of reproducing the song with the voice of the chosen artist, trying to imitate their style and vocal timbre. The service is free to chat with, but requires a paid subscription for cover songs and voice features.

Disputes regarding personality rights

The technology, like others of its kind, has received a good reception on Product Hunt, a website that showcases what’s new in the world of startups. However, its business model could raise concerns legal issues regarding the rights of real artists.

In fact, in many countries attempts are being made to introduce gods “personality rights” to protect artists’ voices and images from being used without their consent. Furthermore, AI-based covers are already the subject of controversy (regarding licensing) and takedowns.

Just a few weeks ago we told you about the proposal from the union of British artists, who signed a document to regulate the use of AI in the world of music.

We remind you that YourArtist AI has no affiliation with real artists.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.