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How ephemeral messages work on WhatsApp

In this guide we understand how ephemeral messages on Whatsapp work, we learn how to use them and find out what they can be useful for

I ephemeral messages on WhatsApp represent an interesting evolution of traditional digital conversations, offering users the possibility to send temporary messages That they disappear after a certain period of time. This feature, introduced by WhatsApp per improve the privacy and conversation security, is becoming increasingly popular among users around the world. In this guide, we will explore in detail how ephemeral messages on WhatsApp work, the reasons why they might be useful and how to make the most of them for a digital communication more Discrete ed effective.

How ephemeral messages work on WhatsApp

How do they work? | How ephemeral messages work on WhatsApp

Ephemeral messages on WhatsApp are a innovative way to manage the temporary nature of conversations. To activate this feature, simply select the option of the ephemeral messages within the chat. Once activated, you have control over the message lifespan: You can choose whether to make them disappear afterwards 24 hours, 7 days or 90 days unless you decide to keep them. It is important to note that messages are ephemeral can be stored manually in the chat if you want to keep a copy.

This flexibility allows you to maintain the privacy control of your conversations, ensuring that messages are only accessible for the specified period of time. Additionally, ephemeral messages can be enabled for both existing chats and new conversations, ensuring that ephemerality is adaptable to your specific needs. You can even choose to turn on ephemeral messages for just some chats, leaving other conversations unchanged, offering you a degree of customization in the management of privacy and the duration of the messages.

How ephemeral messages work on WhatsApp

How to activate ephemeral messages | How ephemeral messages work on WhatsApp

Here’s how to activate this important possibility on your smartphone:

  • Open the chat Whatsapp
  • Click on the name of the contact
  • Click on Ephemeral messages
    • If prompted, click on Continues
  • Select 24 hours, 7 days, or 90 days in Enable ephemeral messages in this chat
  • Scroll up and click on arrow pointing left next to Ephemeral messages.

How ephemeral messages work on WhatsApp

How to disable ephemeral messages | How ephemeral messages work on WhatsApp

Let’s now see how you can deactivate this function:

  • Open the chat Whatsapp
  • Click on contact name
  • Click on Ephemeral messages
    • If prompted, click on Continues
  • Select No
  • Scroll up and click the left arrow next to Ephemeral messages

How ephemeral messages work on WhatsApp


Ephemeral messages on WhatsApp offer an important option for those who want communicate temporarily e private. This feature provides greater control over the privacy of digital conversations by allowing users to decide how long messages will be visible. For both personal and professional purposes, the ability to manage message duration is a significant step in the direction of security and discretion in online communications. By making the most of ephemeral messages, WhatsApp users can ensure a greater peace of mind and control over their digital conversations.

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