Green Friday: la risposta consapevole di Refurbed al Black Friday thumbnail

Refurbed’s sustainable response to Black Friday: yes to the refurbished device

On the occasion of Black Friday 2023 refurbedthe e-commerce company specializing in the sale of refurbished devices, conducted research in collaboration with Appinio aimed at investigating the interest of Italian consumers in the famous event dedicated to unbridled and apparently advantageous shopping.

Refurbed highlights what happens environmentally during Black Friday

The data that emerged confirms that more than 55% of Italians have already bought in the past and intend to once again consider the idea of ​​making purchases during this day full of discounts. A result that confirms the popularity of the phenomenon and the need for companies to undertake a path of consumer education in choosing more sustainable lifestyles and implementing more responsible purchasing behaviors.

Precisely for this reason the company, which in six and a half years of activity has allowed the saving of 160 tons of CO2, 34 billion liters of water and 495 tons of electronic waste, presents itself as a sustainable alternative in the purchasing choices of technological devices. In fact, the research revealed that over 60% of those interviewed consider Black Friday as the day during which the best offers of the year on technology products are foundwhile only less than 1% disagreed with this statement.


The conscious choice to make during Black Friday

In this context, choosing sustainable alternatives is a conscious attitude that brings an advantage not only on an economic level, but above all on an ecological level, helping to limit the extraction of natural resources and reduce the production of electronic waste.

And regenerated device uses 86% less water in the refurbishment process compared to a newly manufactured device, emits 78% less CO2 and, above all, produces 71% less electronic waste that would be destined to be dispersed in our Planet (according to what emerged from the related research carried out on a refurbished iPhone 11, compared to a new one).

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.