Instagram, ora chiunque può effettuare il download dei Reels: ecco come thumbnail

From today it is possible to download Instagram Reels: here’s how

Instagram, now anyone can download Reels: here's the thumbnail

Have you seen a particularly interesting video on Instagram and want to download it to your mobile phone? From today it is possible. In fact Instagram introduced a new feature that allows you to download the Reels (provided, however, that these are public).

A feature that has already been available since June in the United States, and which has now also arrived in Italy.

How to download Reels on Instagram

To download a Reel, you need to make sure you have the app updated to the latest version and that the video in question is public. Once this is done, just tap on share button and select the new option Download (see image below).

Instagram scaricare download Reels

The video will then be saved on your device including an Instagram watermark showing the name of the account that created it. This serves to give credit to the author and to discourage users from sharing the video on other platforms (perhaps passing it off as their own).

The idea of ​​the watermark (like the idea of ​​Reels) seems to have been taken up in detail by TikTok, which has already allowed videos to be downloaded for some time.

We would like to underline, from the first tests we did ourselves, that nAll public Reels are downloadable. It will probably take a few days before Instagram manages to extend the functionality to all content.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.