Pulsee Luce e Gas punta sul futuro dell'energia thumbnail

Pulsee Luce e Gas focuses on the future of energy

On the eve of an important moment for the sector – the end of the protected market and its completion liberalization of domestic energyPulsee Electricity and GasAxpo Italia’s digital brand which in just 4 years since its birth already boasts a significant portion of customers in Italy, has organized a training and updating opportunity, not only to present a Communication Campaign which will start this week on the topic of the End of the Protected Market, but also to analyze the current context and the level of awareness of Italians.

The initiative of NielsenIQ for Pulsee Electricity and Gas

The initiative in fact, it is inspired by research carried out by the company for Pulsee NielsenIQwhich involved a representative sample of the Italian population, questioning them precisely on the degree of knowledge of the change taking place and, at the same time, of thermologies and references to be carefully observed in our bill.

The NielsenIQ research on the liberalization of the domestic utilities market, it highlights how a rather high percentage of people still declare themselves unprepared both for the difference between the Protected Market and the Free Market and for the words that characterize the utilities.

Italian energy culture

The energy “culture” of our country needs to be strengthened if one in four Italians declares that they do not know the difference between the free and protected market at all. A figure that rises to 54.1% in the age group between 18 and 25, and which sees (at 14.6%) the over 65s among the best prepared. 44.6% of the sample declared themselves aware of the distinction between the protected market and the free market, providing the web (32.9%), TV (27.4%), word of mouth between friends as the main sources of information on this topic , family members or colleagues (25.3%) and news newspapers (23.8%).

A moment of change that certainly gives rise to some concern: one in three Italians (33% of those interviewed) declare themselves worried about this transition, so much so that a good portion (45.8%) are thinking of changing their utilities, switching to a free market operator, before the end of the protected market, net of any possible further extension.


The Future of Energy of Pulsee Electricity and Gas

The “The Future of Energy” initiative wanted to position Pulsee Luce e Gas as a point of reference on the topic, in a period characterized by some uncertainty and a certain degree of concern among consumers.

In addition to the management of Pulsee e Axpo Italy and company professionals specialized in international market trends and with specific expertise on products for domestic consumers, external speakers and experts on the topic took part and contributed to animating the debate. From Carlo Stagnarodirector of research and studies of Bruno Leoni Institute and member of the Scientific Committee of Energy magazine ad Alessandro MarangoniCEO of Althesysbusiness economist specializing in strategy and finance in the energy and environmental sectors at both an academic and professional level.

The guide Energipedia

To respond to concrete needs for clarity and simplification, Pulsee Luce e Gas has also decided to present, as part of the education initiative, a short guide which it has given the name of Energipedia: some useful ideas that clearly explain how to read a bill, providing a simplified glossary of those terms that sometimes seem indecipherable but which characterize the energy market.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.