Apple pubblica le classifiche dei migliori podcast del 2023 thumbnail

Apple reveals rankings of the best podcasts of 2023

Apple revealed what the best podcasts of 2023, taking into consideration the most listened to, followed and shared on Apple Podcasts. The result is a series of rankings that help us discover the trends and preferences of Italians when it comes to podcasts, a format that has gained more and more audiences in recent years.

The best podcasts of 2023 according to Apple: which are the most popular?

The rankings, which will be visible in the Podcast app until the end of the year, cover several categories: top shows, most listened to new podcasts, top subscription podcasts, most followed podcasts and most shared podcasts.

Among the names that stand out in the rankings are those of Alessandro Barberohistorian and popularizer who with his podcast Alessandro Barbero’s podcast has reached the top of the top programs and most followed podcasts, and also appears with two other programmes: Alessandro Barbero – History e Ask Barbero. The latter is also the most listened to podcast among the new ones, followed by Geopop e The world.

Among the most shared ones, however, it stands out Investigations, an investigative journalism podcast. In second place there is Where Nobody Looks – The Elisa Claps Casewhich tells the story of the disappearance and murder of the young Elisa Claps which occurred in Potenza in 1993. In third place there is still Alessandro Barbero’s podcastfollowed by They don’t have a friend – Luca Bizzarri.

As for subscription podcasts, i.e. paid ones that offer exclusive content to subscribers, first place is occupied by Today – Apple Music, the daily podcast featuring new music from Apple Music. In second place there is The mystery files, which explores unsolved cases in history and news. The podium closes River of moneywhich investigates the financial and political plots that have marked Italy.

The rankings

Top Program:

  • Alessandro Barbero’s podcast
  • The mosquito
  • Investigations
  • Elisa True Crime
  • Wild Moss
  • Alessandro Barbero – History
  • They don’t have a friend – Luca Bizzarri
  • One More Time
  • Ask Barbero
  • Dee Giallo – Carlo Lucarelli

Most listened to new podcasts:

  • Ask Barbero
  • Geopop
  • The World – International
  • Where Nobody Looks – The Elisa Claps Case
  • The Upside Down – Selvaggia Lucarelli
  • Why? – Marco Maisano
  • Historic
  • Ghost – The unabomber case
  • Stupendous Thought – Matteo Saudino
  • Globo

Top Subscription Podcasts:

  • Today – Apple Music
  • The mystery files
  • River of money
  • Locked Inside – Journey to Italian Prisons
  • The Zane Lowe Show
  • Moby Prince – Chronicle of a disaster
  • Pornazzi
  • Alessandro Manzoni – The Betrothed
  • Highlow with Emrata
  • Essentials Radio

Most followed podcasts:

  • Investigations
  • Alessandro Barbero’s podcast
  • Geopop
  • Elisa True Crime
  • The world
  • One More Time
  • Ask Barbero
  • Wild Moss
  • The mosquito
  • Where Nobody Looks – The Elisa Claps Case

The most shared:

  • Investigations
  • Where Nobody Looks – The Elisa Claps Case
  • Alessandro Barbero’s podcast
  • They don’t have a friend – Luca Bizzarri
  • Ask Barbero
  • The world
  • Poison
  • The mind-trainer
  • Morgana – The mother
  • Invented designation of origin

And in your opinion? What were the best podcasts of 2023? Let us know in the comments.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.