La "tecnologia consapevole" di Acer, da Aspire Vero 16 ai pannelli solari thumbnail

Acer’s “conscious technology”, from the Aspire Vero 16 to solar panels

During a press conference held in Dubai, Acer revealed his vision of “Conscious Technology“. During the event, the company expressed its commitment to the environment and presented two new solutions for energy storage, as well as a thematic exhibition that merges technological concepts with leading products. And he announced that he wanted to eliminate the emissions of the Acer Aspire Vero 16.

Acer: Aspire Vero 16 zero emissions and energy storage solutions

Acer joins the initiative RE100with the aim of guaranteeing supplies of electricity coming 100% from renewable sources by 2035. In parallel, the company wants to achieve zero emissions by 2050. Furthermore, he wants the 60% of its critical suppliers join the RE100 initiative. It also announces the use of 20-30% post-consumer recycled plastic for Acer computers and monitors by 2025reaching 17% already in 2022.

The company presented various initiatives during the event. Like devices Veromade with a high percentage of recycled materials, and the project Humanity, aimed at raising awareness and involving Acer employees in adopting more sustainable behaviors. Furthermore, the platform Earthion aims to encourage supply chain partners, including employees, to respond to new environmental challenges.

The president and CEO of Acer, Jason Chen, emphasized the importance of accelerating the adoption of renewable energy to combat climate change. He made it known that in 2022 the Acer Group has already used the 44% of electricity from renewable sources and that the crucial step towards achieving the goal of 100% will be the use of solar and wind energy.

No emissions for Acer Aspire Vero 16

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Acer has also expressed its determination to eliminate the carbon emissions for the notebook line Aspire Truewith the launch ofAspire Vero 16 (AV16-51P). Through the adoption of international standards for calculating the footprint of CO2 and approach towards emissions neutrality, Acer has taken steps to reduce environmental impact, subsequently using carbon credits to achieve emissions neutrality.

The chassis has over the 60% recycled plastic, double compared to the previous generation, without the presence of volatile organic compounds, paints or additives. In fact, Acer made the touchpad with plastic from the oceans. Leverages processors Intel Core Ultra, extremely efficient in terms of power. And Intel AI Boost, a new neural processing unit (NPU) that delivers AI-powered capabilities with high power efficiency.

Furthermore, it uses packaging completely recyclable at 100%. And shipments use biofuel on different routes. Plus, it takes advantage of battery management software AcerSense to reduce consumption. Acer has simplified the disassembly process to facilitate repair operations and to extend the life of the product.

More details about the notebook Acer Aspire Vero 16 will be revealed in January in Las Vegas. We will keep you posted.

Solar panels and power stations

In Dubai, Acer also presented new solutions ecological energy storage and solar powered. The increase in demand for clean energy has stimulated the need for portable power stations, which offer multiple advantages: areserve and additional power on the move capable of supporting a home for up to 24 hours in the event of a power outage.

The new range of portable power stations includes models from 600W, 1800W e 3000Wcombined with foldable solar panels from 100W, 200W e 400W. These systems, powered by the 100% solar energythey are ideal for indoor and outdoor environments or for off-grid living.

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The Power Station series offers bidirectional technology for fast chargingan uninterruptible power supply (UPS), a switch to backup power with a delay of 14 ms, aluminum alloy supports with a more durable design and an intelligent air cooling system.

I portable and foldable solar panels They offer an efficient solar energy storage method, perfect for powering devices both at home and on the go. Each model in the range is IP67 waterproof. The Acer solar panel series includes the model 400W ASP330which can produce 1.6kW per day under maximum load conditions, the ASP320 da 200W and the ASP310 da 100W.

Regarding prices and availability, the Power Station portatili Acer will be available starting March 2024, with prices varying from 699 to 2199 euros. The optional 2.5kWh battery will be available at the price of 1699 eurowhile i solar panels they will be available starting from March 2024, with prices from 229 a 849 euro. We will keep you updated on the release.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.