Bosch integra le funzioni di infotainment e assistenza alla guida in un unico chip thumbnail

Bosch integrates infotainment and driver assistance functions into a single chip

As a leader in innovation and technology, Bosch is on the front line and, al CES 2024 of Las Vegas, will be the first automotive supplier in the world to demonstrate the merger into one chip of infotainment and driver assistance functions in a software-intensive central computer on a single SoC.

Bosch at CES 2024: the chip that integrates infotainment and driving assistance

The heart of the new on-board computer from Bosch, called cockpit and ADAS integration platformit’s a single SoC which simultaneously processes a series of functions from the two sectors of infotainment and driving assistance.

This includes, for example, autonomous parking functions and lane detection, as well as the personalized intelligent navigation system and voice assistance. The advantages for manufacturers are: greater amount of space and the least amount of wiring, with the consequent reduction in costs.

“Centralized on-board computers are the heart of software-defined vehicles. In the future they will control all domains of modern vehicles by reducing the currently very high number of individual electronic control units,” he explained Markus Heyn, member of the Board of Management of Bosch and President of the Mobility business sector.

In general, Bosch is already achieving good results with on-board computers: In 2026, the company expects a turnover of three billion euros for on-board computers alone for infotainment and driving assistance.


The modular system principle for maximum scalability with integrated chip

For i centralized on-board computers, Bosch adopts the modular system principle. Together with stand-alone software solutions such as visual perception for surround sensors, manufacturers can assemble and adapt their solutions in a scalable and modular way by combining them with hardware components.

I computer centrali software-intensive play a decisive role, as they allow manufacturers to implement driving and assistance functions. To the strong demand for software integration, Bosch responds with its extensive integration experience that allows you to combine software components from various sources.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.