Octopus Energy e SAP di Idris Elba collaborano per il primo parco eolico della Sierra Leone thumbnail

Idris Elba’s Octopus Energy and SAP collaborate on Sierra Leone’s first wind farm

Octopus Energy he squeezed one partnership significant with Sherbro Alliance Partners (SAP)founded by Idris Elba and Siaka Stevens, for the realization of first wind farm in Sierra Leone. This project, announced during the COP28aims to bring green energy in the development of Sherbro Island City.

Octopus Energy and SAP of Idris Elba, Sierra Leone’s first wind farm

The agreement provides for the construction of up to five integrated wind turbines with solar systems and batteries to encourage the use of energy renewable in the area. This initiative marks Octopus’s debut in the gaming sector renewable energies in Africa and will lead to the opening of offices in Sierra Leone.

The project, scheduled for 2024represents a step forward for energy clean in Sierra Leone, paving the way for further investment and the deployment of green energy to Sherbro Island and beyond. SAP, co-founded by Idris Elba and Siaka Stevens, aims to transform Sherbro Island into a vibrant West African economic hub and in a modern eco-city, with a development footprint similar to that of Singapore and Dubai.

Siaka Stevens, Idris Elba from Sherbro Alliance Partners & Zoisa North Bond, Greg Jackson from Octopus Energy sign partnership min

Sherbro Islanddesignated as Special Economic Zoneand, it offers the opportunity for private individuals and investors to drive the development of the island. The partnership between Octopus e SAP not only aims to bring clean energy to local communities but also to create sustainable job opportunities and offer professional training.

The agreement, in addition to the construction of the wind farm, provides for the opening of offices in Sierra Leone by Octopus and SAP. This movement represents a significant expansion for Octopuswhose project portfolio of green energyworth $7.5 billion, already spans several countries in Europe, Asia and Australia.

Sierra Leone, where only 28% of the population currently has access to electricity, has an ambitious goal of increase renewable energy capacity to 85% by 2030. This partnership between Octopus and SAP represents a fundamental step towards this goal.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.