Disputa tra Apple e Masimo: stop alle vendite di alcuni Apple Watch negli USA thumbnail

US appeals court puts Apple Watch ban on hold

The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington has put the ban on the sale of Apple Watch, the technological ban of Cupertino’s last two watches: Watch 9 and Watch Ultra 2. The court’s decision represents a temporary victory for the company, which can now wait until January 10th. The sales ban only concerns the United States: in Italy you can continue to purchase them without problems.

Apple Watch, the appeal puts the ban on hold until January 10th

The sales ban imposed by International Trade Commission (ITC) of the United States on Apple Watch Ultra 2 e Series 9 stops. The ban, imposed due to a patent dispute between Apple and the medical monitoring company Fields, had blocked the sale of Apple Watches. A possible damage, for Apple, of approximately 17 billion dollars of revenue.

According to information reported by Bloombergthe court temporarily overturned the ban on the sale of Apple Watches until January 10th. But Apple asked for a postponement of the decision until January 12thawaiting the final announcement from the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

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Apple, in an effort to resolve the dispute, developed a software update and submitted the design to CBP for approval. However, the issue at the heart of the dispute concerns the accusation of Fields about Apple’s alleged theft of blood oxygen sensor technology. It remains uncertain whether a simple software update would be sufficient to satisfy the ITC’s requirements.

Gli Apple Watch Series 9 e Ultra 2 they are among the most popular devices on the wearable market. Their sales ban could negatively impact Apple’s next earnings report: the company could only sell the Apple Watch SE. This suspension of the ban gives Apple a sigh of relief, but the issue remains complex. If the software update isn’t enough, 2024 could start uphill for Apple.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.