Facebook, Instagram e WhatsApp non funzionano: down dei social di Meta in tutta Italia thumbnail

Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp don’t work: Meta down throughout Italy

If you are unable to log in to Facebook e Instagram– both from browser and app – don’t worry, you are not alone: Meta’s social networks are currently down throughout Italy. Problems too WhatsAppbut only for some regions.

Facebook and Messenger down from 4pm today, Tuesday 5 March 2024

Starting at 4:00 pm today, Tuesday 5 March 2024, many users found themselves literally thrown by Facebook e Messenger. Whoever had access set by the app was redirected to the login page, without however having the possibility to enter your profile. More or less the same thing happens from the browser, with login attempts ending with the message “wrong password”.

There is no need to reset your password, the problem seems to concern the entire platform (or at least access to the Italian platform). We therefore only recommend extreme patience.

Thanks to the usual Downdetector.it – ​​a portal that reports on all possible problems relating to web services – we learn that The Facebook down began around 4.02pm, with the peak of reports occurring at 4.33pm. The reports come mainly from large Italian cities, without any particular geographical differences.

Instagram doesn’t work either

Similar situation also for Instagram, although in this case access to the app appears to be active. However, app users find themselves faced with an out-of-date feed, with the classic writing “Failed to update feed”. From the browser, however, the feed does not appear, instead the writing appears “There was a problem and the page could not be loaded”.

Also in this case Downdetector.it confirms that the reports began around 4.30 pm, without particular geographical differences between the Italian cities.

WhatsApp down only partially: it doesn’t work only in some parts of Italy

At the time of writing to you, we are also receiving reports of a partial downtime WhatsApp. The Meta messaging app, according to Downdetector.it, is partially inactive only in some Italian cities (malfunctions have been reported in Perugia, Bologna, Milan, Naples and Bari).

Practically the entire Meta ecosystem seems to be down at the moment. We will obviously keep you updated on any developments.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.