Un'indagine Revolut evidenzia i buoni propositi degli italiani per il 2022 thumbnail

A Revolut survey highlights the good intentions of Italians for 2022

A Revolut survey highlights the good intentions of Italians for 2022 thumbnail

A new investigation by Revolut takes stock of the experiences of Italians over the past 12 months going to highlight i wishes in view of 2022. As for the gift to receive, as many as 35% of the interviewees chose experiences while for the good intentions of 2022 the users interviewed by Revolut underline that they would like to manage their money better (47%) and learn something new (46%) ).

The vouchers proposed for 2022 by Italians according to the Revolut survey

Revolut’s investigation focuses, in particular, on good intentions for 2022. According to the data collected, for the Italians there is the will to manage money better (47%) e learn something new (46%). These two elements represent a reference trend for most of the interviewees who seem to have very clear ideas about the future. Also noteworthy is the interest in the possibility of spending more time with the people they love (34%). The opportunity to practice an activity to improve mental health and themselves is also of interest (33%).

Financial good intentions

Revolut’s investigation also focuses on good “financial resolutions“. For their financial life, 56% of Italians stress that they want to save more. It should be noted that 40% want to create a passive income and 38% aim to know and invest in cryptocurrencies. It should also be noted that 11% of respondents aim to cancel the subscriptions they do not use.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.