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A robot created by ChatGPT and a team of experts: the innovative project

The features of ChatGPT they really seem to be endless. Among them, we find his contribution at all stages to have created a robot together with a group of researchersamong which there are two Italians.

ChatGPT collaborates with researchers to create a robot

OpenAI’s artificial intelligence chatbot, the now famous ChatGPT, has contributed to the creation of a robot, collaborating in all phases together with a group of researchers.

The robot in question consists of an arm capable of picking tomatoes. The advice, suggestions and ideas of ChatGPT have been seriously taken into consideration and have been implemented by a research group from the Dutch University of Delft, which includes two Italians, and by a researcher from the Federal Polytechnic of Lausanne.

The result obtained by the chatbot and university researchers was published in the journal Nature Machine Intelligence. The researchers themselves are keen to underline the fact that it is unthinkable, at the moment, to leave the project solely and exclusively in the “hands” of ChatGPT.

OpenAi artificial intelligence Ai

“We didn’t want ChatGpt to design just any robot – he says Cosimo Della Santina, co-author of the study led by Francesco Stella – but one that was really useful.” For this reason, a robot-farmer who was able to pick tomatoes was chosen. In fact, it was ChatGPT himself who stated that the crop would be more cost-effective to automate.

The artificial intelligence of OpenAI has helped not only in the conceptual phase, but also in the design phase. “Make the gripper in silicone or rubber, to avoid crushing the tomatoes”, or by indicating the most suitable motor to make the robot move. The study authors found the collaboration positive and enriching. This active participation of ChatGPT, however, made the contribution of the researchers purely techniciantherefore skipping the theoretical and idea planning phase.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.