ALIS e Amazon per la logistica sostenibile, con un nuovo modulo di "Accelera con Amazon" thumbnail

ALIS and Amazon, “Accelerate with Amazon” for sustainable logistics

ALIS (Logistics Association of Sustainable Intermodality) e Amazon kick off a new module dedicated to sustainable logistics as part of the free training program “Accelerate with Amazon”. This program wants to support Italian entrepreneurs along the digitization process.

ALIS and Amazon, an “Accelerate with Amazon” module for sustainable logistics

Il training course is enriched with new contents which will help entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises to acquire the basic knowledge and best practices necessary to develop integrated and sustainable logistics.

The President of ALIS Guido Grimaldi explains: “ALIS has a strong commitment to specialist training and we are very proud to be able to cooperate with our associate Amazon in this study program aimed at entrepreneurs. This “Accelerate with Amazon” module is undoubtedly a concrete training opportunity aimed at enhancing a sustainable transport and logistics model that ALIS has been promoting for several years now. By collaborating in this training course, we are also renewing our attention on the issue of ecological and digital transition with a common commitment of the main players in Italian and European intermodal logistics”.


Anna Bortolussi, General Manager Brand Owner and Seller Success, Amazon EU, comments: “Every day, we innovate to create new tools that can support small and medium-sized Italian enterprises in their digitization and development process. Aware of the central role of logistics in the sustainable transition, we are happy to have collaborated with ALIS for the creation of this training module, which we hope will help many entrepreneurs on their journey”.

Accelerate with Amazon

In November 2020, during the pandemic, the company introduced the free program “Accelerate with Amazon” in collaboration with public and private partners. In fact, it provides all the skills and resources needed to start or grow an online business. Regardless of the decision to sell on Amazon or not. Today, the program is recognized as an initiative sponsored by the Ministry of Technological Innovation and Digital Transition and is available on the Solidarietà Digitale and Repubblica Digitale channels. More than 35,000 companies have benefited from the program in two years.

Il module presented with ALIS, lasting 2 hours and 40 minutes, focuses on the sustainable approach to logistics. Transport, collaboration models with logistics operators and green innovations and practices. The training session is aimed at entrepreneurs and professionals in the sector.

Find all the information here.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.