Quali novità porterà iOS 16? thumbnail

All the news of iOS 16 beta 4

All the news of iOS 16 beta 4 thumbnail

Still news from Apple, which just yesterday released the beta 4 on iOS 16 for developers. A version that, while not adding particular functions, brings with it some really noteworthy news. Let’s see what it is.

iOS 16 beta 4: all the news announced by Apple

With the beta 4 of iOS 16, Apple is adding more news for developers. Among these we point out, first of all, theActivityKit, which will allow you to create applications that are able to support live widgets introduced with the new operating system on Apple devices. To this are added then new wallpapers for CarPlay e Casa. In addition to interesting updates for iMessageincluding reducing the message deletion timer to 2 minutes and the ability to edit a message up to 5 times.

iOS 16 beta 4

Equally interesting the news of Mail, which include the ability to customize the time for unsubscribing an email – despite the current option which is limited to the choice of 20 seconds only -. As well as those for the Screen lock, one of the most interesting novelties of iOS 16: with the beta 4, in fact, now developers have the “Add widget” button for a clearer and more intuitive experience. In addition, Apple has also renewed the interface of the screen customization procedure, complete with changes for the music playerwhich acquires elements better highlighted on the display.

iOS 16 beta 4

Other new features of beta 4 include the addition of new graphics in the Settings, an updated view of health data and a redesigned volume bar in the Music App. Interesting updates, of course. Although there don’t seem to be any options that generate high expectations. But who knows Apple doesn’t have other news in store for us for the future.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.