Amazon potrebbe abbandonare Android per la smart home: il progetto Vega thumbnail

Amazon could abandon Android for the smart home: the Vega project

Amazon could soon take a significant turn in its smart devices: the company is reportedly working on its own operating system, known internally as Project Vegaintended to replace the version of Android currently used in smart displays, TVs, and other smart home products.

Amazon with the Vega project will replace Android for the smart home

According to what was reported by Janko Roettgers of Lowpass, the change could begin as early as next year, with Amazon has informed its partners of the transition plan. According to sources familiar with the matter, this could result in the shipment of Fire TV devices featuring the new Vega OS starting in 2024.

The reasons behind this move are multiple. Android includes a considerable amount of superfluous code for running smart home devices, a feature Vega would aim to eliminate. Fire OS, based on the Android Open Source project, it has always suffered from competition in terms of functionality compared to Google’s offerings. Additionally, Roettgers says Google has attempted to limit Amazon’s presence in the industry by preventing some manufacturers from making TVs with Amazon software.

trend Fire TV

Vega will still have a base Linuxand app developers are recommended to use React Native. This would allow the creation of applications compatible with a wide range of devices and operating systems. This step is crucial, as it would allow developers to create apps suitable for both Amazon’s new hardware and older devices still running on Android.

Furthermore, some speculate that it could be an opportunity for show advertisements to a wider audienceone of the reasons behind the economic competitiveness of its devices.

There aren’t many other details about the operating system at the moment. But if Amazon is indeed already reaching out to app developers, we shouldn’t have to wait long for more news.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.