Amazon, collaborazione tra pubblico e privato per bloccare le recensioni false thumbnail

Amazon, new collaboration to block fake reviews

Amazon calls for a new partnership between the public and private sectors to block fake reviews. In order to help customers find the right products for them and curb the problem of fake review “brokers”.

Amazon, new collaboration to block fake reviews

The opinions of Amazon customers have been fundamental since the company introduced reviews in 1995. Last year 125 million customers have left nearly 1.5 billion opinions and ratings on Amazon.

To ensure transparency, Amazon strictly prohibits false opinions that can intentionally mislead customers with information that is not objective, authentic, or intended for that product or service. There are models of machine learning that analyze thousands of data points to identify risks. Evaluating relationships with other accounts, login activity, opinion history, and other indications of anomalous behavior. But Amazon explains that it uses expert investigators using advanced tools.

Block suspicious reviews (even with legal action)

By doing so, in 2022 Amazon has blocked over 200 million suspicious views. But, unfortunately, the use of is spreading illicit intermediaries who deal with “fake reviews”. These intermediaries try to trick review control systems with increasingly sophisticated methods, directly contacting consumers via websites, social media and encrypted messages and offering them money, products or other benefits to write fake reviews.

fake reviews

Amazon is fighting fake reviews and the brokers who create them. The company has taken legal action: This year alone, it has sued 94 wrongdoers in several countries, including the United States, China, the United Kingdom and Germany. She has also collaborated with the consumer protection organizations in Europe. Even coming to close associations such as Matronex and Climbazon. In Italy, Amazon filed the first European-wide criminal complaint in 2022 to demonstrate its determination to protect customers and sales partners from deceivers.

The strategy to improve the situation

Fighting fake reviews requires a increased sharing of information on known wrongdoers between different parties involved. To do this, Amazon is reaching out to consumer associations and industry partners around the world. Knowing better theand strategies, techniques, targets, services and operating methods of fake review brokersit becomes possible to more effectively counter these schemes and protect more consumers in different sectors.

Amazon calls for more clarity and funds to fight fake reviews. The firm claims that fake review brokers harm consumers, small businesses and the online marketplace. Amazon believes governments need to create or strengthen supervisory authorities and sanctions for these wrongdoers. Additionally, Amazon wants more funding for law enforcement agencies to investigate and take down fake review brokers.

The company is also calling for tighter controls for services that facilitate requests for fake reviews. These services include social media and encrypted messaging services used by fake review brokers to organize their illicit schemes. Amazon reported more than 23,000 abusive social media groups in 2022, with more than 46 million members and followersr. Amazon wants to work with these companies to improve their tracking methods.

In other words, Amazon is committed to continuing all the operations it has implemented over the years. But it also asks collaboration between the public and private sectors to address this problemwhich creates disservices to consumers.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.