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Apple can’t do without Luxshare Precision

The tech world is heavily dependent on China for the production of flagship devices and Apple is no exception. Cupertino, as the Wall Street Journal explains, specifically needs a Chinese company to build iPhone, AirPods, Apple Watch and many others: Luxshare Precision. The CEO of Apple, Tim Cookrecently visited a Luxshare factory and expressed his gratitude for the company’s work in producing the most advanced Apple products.

Apple needs Luxshare Precision for its flagship products

Luxshare Precision is one of Apple’s major manufacturing partners. It is based in China, but its impact is reflected in Apple products sold around the world. He worked in the production of devices such as iPhone 15, iPhone Pro Max, AirPods e Apple Watch. Furthermore, it is the manufacturer of Apple’s first mixed reality headset, Apple Vision, which is expected to be launched on the market next year.

Tim Cook’s visit to Luxshare’s factory comes after a relationship that began in 2017. This visit highlights how vital it is for Apple to partner with Chinese companies expert in assembly and in the production of advanced technological devices.

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The importance of China in Apple’s production is undeniable. Even though Apple is trying to diversify its supply chains and decrease its dependence on China, the country remains a crucial part of the production process.

Luxshare has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to complying with the quality standards required by Apple. If it used to assemble cables and connectors for Apple devices, it now produces headphones and camera modules. Apple has sent engineers to work with Luxshare and has found that the company does its job flawlessly.

The Wall Street Journal talks about the work of Grace Wang, who manages the company. The newspaper explains that Wang is a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, a national consultative body. This dual responsibility makes her an example of the connection between business and politics in China.

Something that could create problems for Cupertino, given the growing disagreements between Washington and Beijing. But at the moment, according to the Wall Street Journal, Apple cannot give up working with Luxshare.


The Wall Street Journal

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.